Thursday, May 1, 2008

Personality Test for Colorado Women

It snowed today. Yeah, on May 1 no less.

So what does a real Colorado girl do when she wakes up and finds 6-8 inches?

A. Grumble and complain and drag the snow boots out of storage.

B. Stay in bed and enjoy.


A Novel Woman said...

Take a photo of it and show all her girlfriends?

Susan Adrian said...

You had the snow boots in STORAGE? In May?

Hahahahaha. Silly girl.

Cate said...

I agree with Susan. Snow boots in storage?? I keep them accessible year-round up here "among the igloos".

On the other hand, I did take my walk without a jacket today.

UU Poet said...

OMG. This is soon to be my life. What a sobering vision--thanks ever so for sharing! We're at T minus 23.22.15 and counting.

MM said...

Six to eight inches!!!!

I live in Centennial and we didn't have any where near that much. I have a running joke with my girlfriends about the CO snow forecasters.

"Weathermen are like all other men. They promise eight to ten inches, but they deliver Sooooo much less."

My snow boots get tossed in the basement in April.

Lottery Girl said...

What can I say? It was almost 70 degrees the day before. Yes, silly me!